Theatre Arts at DCA

--We are a department that has about 80 students involved on a day to day basis.
--Every year the drama department presents at least one full length play and a musical. Usually, we also incorporate a children's play, which we present to the elementary school.
--Last year, DCA drama students won 2nd place in the state festival and went on to perform at the Southeastern Theatre Conference in Lexington, KY.
--This year we will again be entered in a one-act festival and will be traveling to the southeastern theatre conference with juniors and seniors planning to pursue theatre in their future.
--Our main focus is performing theatre with excellence and honoring God with our gifts in performance!
--Last year, DCA drama students were offered over $500,000 in possibly scholarship opportunities.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Drama Students reenact Iwo Jima flag planting

On Veteran's day, five of the drama students dressed in fatigues and acted out the Iwo Jima memorial for the school assembly. They came out into the gym while the choir sang. They proceeded to freeze and stand frozen for 10 minutes. The drama department was excited to be included on this very special day.