Theatre Arts at DCA

--We are a department that has about 80 students involved on a day to day basis.
--Every year the drama department presents at least one full length play and a musical. Usually, we also incorporate a children's play, which we present to the elementary school.
--Last year, DCA drama students won 2nd place in the state festival and went on to perform at the Southeastern Theatre Conference in Lexington, KY.
--This year we will again be entered in a one-act festival and will be traveling to the southeastern theatre conference with juniors and seniors planning to pursue theatre in their future.
--Our main focus is performing theatre with excellence and honoring God with our gifts in performance!
--Last year, DCA drama students were offered over $500,000 in possibly scholarship opportunities.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Lauren LaFever won scholarship and goes to Anderson University

At the SETC conference last year, Lauren LaFever auditioned for scholarships and was offered 17 call backs from various colleges, universities and conservatory programs. She auditioned for a private, Christian college, Anderson University and won a $64,000 scholarship to study there. We are so proud of her! Congratulations Lauren!

A Brand New Year

Welcome to a brand new year of drama at Donelson Christian Academy. After such a wonderful year last year, I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for this one. We have sent alumni to study all over the country and know that they will be used in a might way. In class, we are using full tablet computers for every student and doing all kinds of online projects that enhance learning. We will be doing lots of productions including a children's production through underclassmen classes in addition to festival productions in introduction to theatre. We are also now offering a dual enrollment class in theatre and public speaking through Union University. Thank you Lord for continuing to bless our department as we seek to honor you through excellence. Be glorified in us!