Theatre Arts at DCA

--We are a department that has about 80 students involved on a day to day basis.
--Every year the drama department presents at least one full length play and a musical. Usually, we also incorporate a children's play, which we present to the elementary school.
--Last year, DCA drama students won 2nd place in the state festival and went on to perform at the Southeastern Theatre Conference in Lexington, KY.
--This year we will again be entered in a one-act festival and will be traveling to the southeastern theatre conference with juniors and seniors planning to pursue theatre in their future.
--Our main focus is performing theatre with excellence and honoring God with our gifts in performance!
--Last year, DCA drama students were offered over $500,000 in possibly scholarship opportunities.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Drama students created a reproduction of the flag at Iwo Jima for Veteran's Day service. The Veteran's Day service included a military fly by and various distinguished guests that have served our country over the last century. What an honor to be able to represent them in this small way.